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The Restaurant

Café Beyritz is reminiscent of an European Bistro, with it’s roots firmly on African soil. This African heritage forms center-stage in our restaurant in the form of a spectacular Leadwood tree reaching through the ceiling.


Like all good Bistro’s, the mood and ambience keeps changing throughout the day. Breakfasts and Lunches are full of sunshine, great music and cheerful noises from our crowd of regulars. Late afternoons are easy-going, laid back affairs with a good cappuccino in hand. At night,the lights go down, classic Soul and light Jazz are playing, and the scene is set for an evening of elegant dining.

The People at Beyritz

Café Beyritz is owned  and managed by Etienne and Emi Maritz. A small group of our friends are also shareholders in Beyritz. Apart from food,we have a passion for people,and this is reflected in our approach and management of Beyritz. We place a premium on interacting personally with our customers.


It is a blessing for us to be able to meet and become friends with so many interesting people from all walks of life at Beyritz.


We look forward to hosting you at Café Beyritz.

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Copyright 2012, Cafe Beyritz

This websitewas built with love by me.

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